
Simplify3d 4.0.1 crashing
Simplify3d 4.0.1 crashing

Warning: Unable to read symbols from "libsqlite3.dylib" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "SystemConfiguration" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "QuartzCore" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "MobileCoreServices" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols for "/System/Library/Frameworks/amework/MobileCoreServices" (file not found). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "MessageUI" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols for "/System/Library/Frameworks/amework/MessageUI" (file not found). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "MapKit" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols for "/System/Library/Frameworks/amework/MapKit" (file not found). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "CoreLocation" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "CFNetwork" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols for "/System/Library/Frameworks/amework/CFNetwork" (file not found). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "CoreGraphics" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols for "/System/Library/Frameworks/amework/CoreGraphics" (file not found). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "UIKit" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols for "/System/Library/Frameworks/amework/UIKit" (file not found). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "Foundation" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "libxml2.2.dylib" (not yet mapped into memory). Warning: Unable to read symbols from "dyld" (prefix _dyld_) (not yet mapped into memory). This GDB was configured as "-host=i386-apple-darwin -target=arm-apple-darwin".Developer_Xcode3_2_3_iOS_SDK_4_0_1/Platforms/atform/DeviceSupport/4.0.1/Symbols/usr" /System "/Developer_Xcode3_2_3_iOS_SDK_4_0_1ĭeveloper_Xcode3_2_3_iOS_SDK_4_0_1/Platforms/atform/DeviceSupport/4.0.1/Symbols/System" /private/var/mobile/Applications/50A5673A-2D68-4EA2-B033-2CA40C8DFC79 /Users/clearbrian/Documents/Development/IPhoneDevelopment/029.LondonBusMaps/_iOs4Recompile/Bus/build/Debug-iphoneos /var/mobile/Applications/50A5673A-2D68-4EA2-B033-2CA40C8DFC79 /Users/clearbrian/Documents/Development/IPhoneDevelopment/029.LondonBusMaps/_iOs4Recompile/Bus/build/Debug-iphoneos /Developer "/Developer_Xcode3_2_3_iOS_SDK_4_0_1ĭeveloper_Xcode3_2_3_iOS_SDK_4_0_1/Platforms/atform/DeviceSupport/4.0.1/Symbols/Developer"ĭeveloper_Xcode3_2_3_iOS_SDK_4_0_1/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbinĭeveloper_Xcode3_2_3_iOS_SDK_4_0_1/Library/PrivateFrameworks/amework/Resources/Xcode SSHPassKey Type "show copying" to see the conditions. Welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.


GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are SDK is installed in seperate directory as I need to deug 3.1.3 as well Trying to fix a bug on iOS 4 but when I debug it crashes with these errors:

Simplify3d 4.0.1 crashing